About The Author

Attorney with Vast Experience in Business Law

Scott Annes is an attorney with nearly three decades of experience in representing small to moderate-sized businesses and individuals in metropolitan Chicago. Over the years, his clients and colleagues have shared with him a vast amount of insight and advice as well as experiences as they go about the business of being in business. Drawing on the wisdom that people have shared with him as well as what he has learned from his adventures, he has produced a three-book series for aspiring to accomplished small business owners.

For those who are considering starting a new business venture, he wrote Who Wants to be a Businessaire? As a guide to open the reader’s mind to the issues that one would face in striking out on a new business endeavor. Scott is a devoted proponent of such businesses and in Who Wants to be a Businessaire? He commits to candidly introducing people to concepts that they may not have contemplated and perhaps could not imagine.

Scott Annes